The meeting, which ends Tuesday, is being held as crude oil prices reached a record high. 这次会议举行之际,原油价格达到创记录的高水平。国际能源论坛将在星期二结束。
Gasoline prices also surged to a record high on Wednesday after some disappointing US inventory numbers. 由于美国库存数据令人失望,周三汽油价格也飙升至创纪录高点。
The US special petroleum reserve is currently at a record high level of 727m barrels. 美国的战略石油储备目前处于7.27亿桶的创纪录高水平。
Even these have only been made possible by record high oil prices. 尽管情况不尽如人意,这还是靠创纪录的高油价支撑才得以实现的。
The price of gold within Japan hit a record high this week. 日本国内的金价本周达到破纪录的高位,年初至今涨了4.2%。
Revenues and profits from China are at record high, Shoemaker said. 休梅克表示,来自中国市场的营收和利润创下历史新高。
But some point to this prosperity, as one key cause of record high food prices. 但是这种繁荣背后的主要原因就是粮食价格奇高。
Eg. A record high increase in value of four times was reported. 据报道,价值破记录地增长了3倍。
World rice production this year is expected to reach a record high. 今年世界水稻产量预计会达到一个新纪录。
Since 1991, the Nasdaq index has been rising steadily, hitting a history-ever record high. 从1991年以来,纳斯达克指数一路稳步攀升,创了历史最高记录。
There were strong gains elsewhere, with the MSCI Asia ex-Japan index touching a record high. 亚洲其它一些股市的表现也颇为强劲,不包括日本的摩根士丹利资本国际亚洲指数(MSCIAsiaex-Japanindex)上探至纪录高位。
Share prices are near their record high of last year. 股票价格接近去年的最高记录。
This year, the number of international students studying in the United States reached a record high. 今年,来美国学习的国际学生人数创下了历史新高。
Battling with record high fuel prices, more than 20 Airlines globally have gone out of business this year. 在应对创纪录高油价的过程中,今年全球有20多家航空公司破产。
For example, non-investment demand for gold ( for jewellery and industrial uses) is already being undermined by record high prices. 举例来说,对黄金的非投资需求(包括珠宝和工业用途)已经被破坏了历史高价。
Iron ore and copper imports reached a record high last month, while crude oil imports hit their second best month at the same time. 上个月铁矿石和铜的进口创下了新高,而原油进口也创下了第二高点。
This is the Obama Misery Index, and it's at a record high. 这就是奥巴马痛苦指数,它已经达到创记录的高度。
The yen hit a record high in trading today. 在今日的交易中,日元已升值到历史的最高水平。
The crackdown on antimony has pushed the cost of the commodity to a record high. 政府对锑矿的打击,已将锑价格推升至纪录高位。
Toyota's discounts averaged$ 1,908 a vehicle, a record high for the company, according to. 根据丰田的折扣是平均每辆车$1908,是该公司的最高折扣纪录。
Prices on the stock exchange reached another record high last week. 上周股票交易所的股票价格又创新高。
Hangzhou's commercial and leisure industries also achieved a record high in their business income. 杭州的商业和休闲行业的营业额也创下新高。
Local property shares have been under pressure since home prices slipped from record high levels last summer. 自楼价从去年夏天的创纪录高水平回落以来,当地房地产类股票本已面临压力。
The IEA Medium Term Oil Market Report came as oil is approaching last year's record high. 在国际能源机构《中期原油市场报告》(MediumTermOilMarketReport)发表之际,石油价格正接近去年的创纪录高位。
We have seen record high gasoline prices this year. 我们都看到今年的汽油价格居高不下。
Exports to the United States, having fallen by a fifth, have reached a record high. 出口到美国的物资曾经下降了五分之一,如今却再创历史新高。